Videos by vocabulary level

This is a list of all public Dreaming Spanish videos sorted by the difficulty of their vocabulary. Try watching a few videos at the easier and harder end of your preferred level, and let us know if you think it makes a difference. The level of each video shows how many of the most frequent Spanish words you need to know to understand 95% of the words that appear in the video. The frequency list used is the one at Corpus del EspaƱol: Web/Dialects. If you find this useful, don't forget to contribute to our project on Patreon!

Superbeginner videos ({{ superbeg.length }})

Video Level (needed vocabulary)95% of words in the video are within this number of most common words.
{{ video.title }} {{ video.level }}

Beginner videos ({{ beg.length }})

Video Level (needed vocabulary)95% of words in the video are within this number of most common words.
{{ video.title }} {{ video.level }}

Intermediate videos ({{ int.length }})

Video Level (needed vocabulary)95% of words in the video are within this number of most common words.
{{ video.title }} {{ video.level }}

Advanced videos ({{ adv.length }})

Video Level (needed vocabulary)95% of words in the video are within this number of most common words.
{{ video.title }} {{ video.level }}